3 great investment opportunities take the stage at BAM Pitch Night:
ByteChek provides businesses with efficient and automated assessments that add real security value. Cybersecurity assessments don’t have to be difficult, time-consuming, or expensive. ByteChek helps businesses build cybersecurity programs to enhance sales and build trust from customers.
Website: www.bytechek.com
Industry: Cybersecurity, Compliance
Location: Miami, FL
oneKIN live is an AI-powered livestream shopping app that marries the personalization of in-store shopping, and the broad reach of e-commerce. Local small businesses can virtually extend their footprint nationwide, consolidate the customer journey from discovery to conversion, and gain real-time insights into the needs of their target audience.
Website: www.onekin.co
Industry: E-Commerce
Location: New York, NY
Thermaband is on a mission to create a tech innovation to help solve the most human of issues: keeping cool during menopause. The Thermaband solution is a wristband that detects body temperature change and provides cooling or heating sensations as needed.
Website: www.thermaband.com
Industry: FemTech
Location: Weston, FL